That being said...right after my post about how I fell asleep in the chair and I showed you a picture of my EXTREMELY messy playroom, my sister-in-law knocked on my door unexpectedly and asked us to go to the children's museum with them. Why is it that when you don't get up and clean your house first thing, someone comes over and sees it?! Every time!!
The children's museum here in Houston is fabulous and the kids loved it. Their favorite by far was the water portion. We played in this part for a while and they were soaked by the end of it, Jeremiah was wet from head to toe and loved every second of it!
Mikey and Annie were working hard to fill up the big bucket and once it is full it tips over and dumps about a thousand gallons of water.
Aunt Nettie is telling Ella all about baby chicks.
That weekend we had some Spokane people come to visit us. Tim and Alice took a million pictures, and I only took a couple. Hopefully they will share! They were the leaders of our college/career group when we first moved to Spokane and their daughter, who is now a married mama, was in the high school youth group when we helped with that. Alice was also a spiritual mentor and taught me everything I know about studying the Word. This is hard to write about, we miss our Washington people so much!
Ella and Jeremiah are starting to play together a little. And they remind me of Mikey and Haley at those same ages. They even look the same, it is like having de ja vu everyday!
Ella is taking steps on her own now, maybe I will try to post a video. Her record is seven in a row. I love the wobbly baby step stage.
Haley is starting to take off in her reading. She is ahead of Mikey was at this age and he is a great reader so it seems promising that she will do well also.
This is just a cute one of the boys right after they woke up, Michael found them sitting together at the top of the steps.
These were our Valentine's. We hung the cone on the back of each chair and then the kids each put their treats inside. We got our ideas from Family Fun Magazine. Mikey made the two of a kind ones and Haley made the bear hugs, but we used Jelly Belly's and Teddy Grahams instead of cinnamon bears.

And Michael took us all to lunch, and gave us all chocolates. Ella especially enjoyed hers.
Michael gave her a little box of princess chocolates and let her play with it on the ride home. Little Ms. Houdini got into the box and sucked all the chocolates out of their wrappers, this is what I found when I was getting her out of her seat to go into Target.
Enjoy the update! Hope your week was as wonderful as ours!
What cute valentines and what CUTE kids!!
Hope you had an extra outfit and LOTS of wipes after that chocolate incident!
Oh my...that is one chocolatey baby! Very cute though:)
I love every word and every picture in this post! Thanks for the terrific update. Ella is my kind of girl. I can just imagine how surprised you were.
Phil walked the boys down to the "AWANA church" this afternoon for their Chili Cook-off. They had a great time.
You're missed...
Great Valentine's idea. And the children's museum in Houston is amazing. My favorite Aunt and Uncle lived in Houston for years and going to the children's museum with them is one of my fondest memories.
About the chocolate. That's too funny! What a mess! My son woke up early the day after Advent started and ate all the chocolate out of his calendar. ;)
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