
Late again!

I totally spaced Family Friday this week! There is really nothing new to report, we had a slow week, the kids have colds so we stuck pretty close to home.

Ella has figured out the arms part of crawling, and she has figured out the legs part of crawling, but hasn't quite put the two together yet. So she is in the inchworm stage! She also started sitting up, but is still using her arms to prop up.

Haley is "working" on her laptop. I don't know where she gets this idea, because we don't have a laptop, and I don't "work" on it. Maybe from when my mom was visiting? Nana had to work on the computer some while she was here. Either way, if you click on it you can see she is wearing her fancy shoes, Cinderella dress and all her jewels. She got so upset this morning because she couldn't wear a dress to church, she threw a fit in her room for about 5 minutes. She isn't a big fit thrower, so that was a major one for her. Anyway, since she couldn't wear a dress she wanted to wear her BIG fake jewels to church "So I can be more beautiful and fancy!" We compromised and put some extra fancy hair do-dads in her hair. Where does she get this stuff?!

Jeremiah chillin' in his chair. He is actually trying not to eat the last few bites of his dinner.

And Mikey goofing off in Ella's jumper. I want to post some video of her in the jumper, because she really goes to town, but alas I can't figure out how to get video off of my new camera...

Anyway, as usual, I hope your week was as wonderful as ours.

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